Tag Archives: deflation

IMF Says Japanese Banks’ Bond Holdings Risk Financial Stability.

IMF would not come out saying that Japan’s bond are going to tumble if it did not have a reason to. Would it? The deflationary spiral is soon going to become a whirlpool that sucks that land of the rising sun into the Pacific ocean. The only question remains of when it will happen and what repercussions will the financial collapse in Japan have on the rest of the world financial system.

On foreclosures fraud, QE and coming new spiral of deflationary forces.

There isn’t anyone at the (nominal) helm who didn’t understood from the very git-go that the only possible way out was a resumption of organic credit growth. All the fraud, lies, deceit, corruption and violation of centuries old jurisprudence were justified (at least in their minds) by national security concerns.

The power-elite have always know that there was a black whole comprised of many different elements, one of which being title insurance, related to challenges in re-securitizing the ponzi. More importantly, they knew that they had at most two years in which to blow another bubble, anywhere/any kind, to get the herd moving once again in a speculative fashion.

Australia’s housing bubble pop.

It looks like there are jitters beginning to be felt through Australia’s house bubble. How do we know? Because when “housing bubble fears grow” it already burst. It is too late now. Whoever sells first wins.

Is Canada’s housing market bubble beginning to deflate?

Now we are reading a welcome news from Canada. The supply of houses on the market is beginning to increase which if it were to continue on this path would signify that Canadian housing bubble is being pricked as we speak and should provide a spectacular deflation in the months and years to come.

This is how it started in USA back in 2005. First supply of houses rose while the prices continued to inch upward. But then the supply really began to accumulate as more and more fools started to put their properties on the market sensing that it was time to get out. We know what happened next.

And now in Canada we are beginning to see the same kind of trends. They, of course, still continue talking about how real estate prices never go down, and that the rising valuations are based on fundamentals and that Canadian economy is strong and getting stronger. But we now know that this is precisely the bubble talk you hear at the top of many speculative markets throughout history.

The Marginal Productivity of Debt.

The key to understanding the problem is the marginal productivity of debt, a concept curiously missing from the vocabulary of mainstream economics. Keynesians take comfort in the fact that total debt as a percentage of total GDP is safely below 100 in the United States while it is 100 and perhaps even more in some other countries. However, the significant ratio to watch is additional debt to additional GDP, or the amount of GDP contributed by the creation of $1 in new debt. It is this ratio that determines the quality of debt. Indeed, the higher the ratio, the more successful entrepreneurs are in increasing productivity, which is the only valid justification for going into debt in the first place.

A sure sign of deflation: 9 bailed-out banks report declines in new lending.

As the pool of credit worthy borrowers and worthy inestment projects dwindles in a deflationary environment so the lending declines. It is no surprise that in still democratic USA, unlike the communist China, the Government cant just mandate its banks to lend. It can provide interest free credit lines, it can embark on a massive Qunatitative Easing and public relations campaings, but if banks are scared to lend and the borrowers are not interested in borrowing nothing will get the lending machine going. At least, not until the bad debts are liquidated through defaults, which are, of course, deflationary. And so the lending contracts.

Japan’s consumer prices fall again in January. Deflation now -1.3% compared to January 2009.

Japan, after two decades of fighting against deflation and racking up 240% of GDP public debt has literally nothing to show for. The deflation is firmly entrenched in the Japanese economy, which is a very good thing for consumers, not speculators.

One hell of a deflationary bust: JP Morgan loses 93% of value of Lehman collateral that it holds.

This is an excellent real life example of how deflation works. As reported by Reuters JP Morgan was holding Lehman Brothers’ collateral back in 2008 as a way to protect itself against possible investment losses. Well, deflationary bust that was caused by rampant FED sponsored inflation prior to the Fall of 2008 crisis, has hit not only the investments but the collaterals as well.

When you have a 93% evaporation on the collateral which is supposedly only a fraction of the actual assets that it guarantees, you can safely say we are in the thick of it – the deflation.

Empty nonsense talk from European policy makers.

It is time to end globalism, time to end European Union, time to abandon Euro currency and shut down the Brussels parasitic state once and for all. European people don’t need their stinking opinions on how to run their lives. The sooner this modern economic and political systems come down, the sooner we’ll all breathe easily. It applies to all countries around the world.

G7’s Sheeple Distraction in IQALUIT, Canada, while Central Bankers Meet Secretly in Australia.

We don’t know what the Central Bankers will be discussing during their secret two day meeting in Australia, but what we know is that you don’t hold a well publicized G7 economic ministers meeting at the same time for no reason. If the CBs need a distraction that means that something is very grave and serious is going on. Whether we are on the verge of a new panic and financial crisis or something else, but it cant be good. Perhaps the sovereign debt issues in Europe are on the verge of causing a big monetary implosion and stock markets collapse.