Monthly Archives: December 2009

Conquer the crash: Bernanke defeats deflation.

At last, the news reports are now fully brimming with optimism and proclaiming victory after victory on the economic front. Despite the fact that the private (and total) credit in the US economy has been and is still contracting at unprecedented multitrillion dollar annual rate, which is deflation by definition in credit based monetary system, the Bloomberg news declares nevertheless that the honorable manager of the privately owned Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, has already defeated deflation. Oh say, can you see …

Q3 2009 private sector credit collapsed at – $1.81 Trillion annual rate.

The ONLY major player still borrowing money in big amounts was the United States Treasury Department (line 3), sopping up $1481.2 billion of the credit available — and leaving LESS than nothing for the private sector as a whole.

Overall total credit in the economy shrank at an unprecedented annual rate of -$275.6 billion.

Private sector credit fell at an astonishing – $1.8098 Trillion.

Retail Sales Data from NPD Shows Consumer Technology Revenue Declined the Week of Black Friday.

When you don’t have government meddling into the free-market price setting mechanisms the prices decline and help consumers save money. Such is the case of consumer electronics that has been experiencing deflation for many years now and the skies did not fall. To the contrary all consumers benefited from natural price declines while the quality and capability of consumer electronic goods have been continuously improving. Now, when most of us badly need lower prices the only bright spots of the economy are where the government is absent and not trying to prop up prices, with our stolen money by the way.